Company Profile

Semafore Pharmaceuticals (AKA: Comchem Technologies)
Profile last edited on: 2/8/19      CAGE:       UEI:

Business Identifier: Kinase inhibitors as cancer therapeutics
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

8496 Georgetown Road
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Marion

Public Profile

Formerly known as ComChem Technologies and renamed as Semafore Pharmaceuticals in 2004, the firm's proprietary research is focused to using combinatorial chemistry technology to find compounds capable of selectively deliver of anticancer agents to tumors. Semafore is a drug discovery and development company focused on small molecule modulators of the PI3 Kinase (PI3K) & PTEN cell signaling pathway, one of the most promising target pathways for multiple disorders, including the company’s focus--cancer Semafore Pharmaceuticals, Inc. discovers and develops clinical-stage drugs. PI3 kinase/PTEN cellular controls angiogenesis, apoptosis, migration, invasion, metastasis, and survival. Pproducts include SF1126, a PI3K Inhibitor Conjugate for prostate, breast, ovarian, renal, multiple myeloma, and other solid and hematological cancers, as well as cancers metastasized to bone; PI3K small-molecule inhibitors for cancer, inflammation, and other indications; and PTEN Inhibitors & Agonists for cell protection and therapeutic angiogenesis

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2003 1 NIH $221,401
Project Title: Bone Targeting of Degradable Drug-Filled Nanoparticles
2002 1 NIH $160,600
Project Title: Targeted Delivery of Protectant p53 Inhibitors
2002 2 NIH $446,752
Project Title: Chelate Based Scaffolds (Chelabody) In Tumor Targeting

Key People / Management

  John Sima -- interim CEO and COO

  Joseph R Garlich -- Co-Founder and CSO

Company News

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