Company Profile

SegueTX-Pancreatic Cancer LLC (AKA: STXPC~SegueTX Pancreatic Cancer LLC)
Profile last edited on: 5/15/20      CAGE: 81MH2      UEI: KMZ3FWYN1LX5

Business Identifier: Repurposing drugs for potential pancreatic Cancer application
Year Founded
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Location Information

2031 Kings Highway Suite 234
Shreveport, LA 71103
   (318) 213-0185
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Caddo Parish

Public Profile

SegueTx-Pancreatic Cancer is a subsiduary of Segue Therapeutics LLC --an early-stage biotech structured around repurposing drugs for various medical conditions requiring more effective therapeutic interventions than currently available. SegueTx-Pancreatic Cancer was formed to complete preclinical studies and position for clinical trials an existing pinworm drug. The effort is to to explore efficacy of that drug for treatment of pancreatic cancer and other diseases where fibrosis plays a major role. Fibrotic-based diseases effecting the lung, heart, kidney and liver are devastating pathologies where truly effective life-extending treatments are not available. The firm is seeking FDA approval an orphan drug status for these drugs - a status that would increase their market exclusivity and reduces the time to market. Patents have been filed in US and Europe.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2020 2 NIH $274,999
Project Title: Repurposing a Pinworm Drug to Treat Pulmonary Fibrosis

Key People / Management

  Jim Cardelli -- President and Founder

  Erkut Borazanci -- Clinical Science Advisor

  David Thomas Coleman

  Michael Hetzel -- Adviser

  Ron Ondechek -- Advisor

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