Company Profile

SE3D Education LLC
Profile last edited on: 7/7/2017      CAGE: 74YV0      UEI: W44NCPN6CNF3

Business Identifier: Bioprinters and curricula for classroo based science education
Year Founded
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Location Information

68 Harold Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050
   (650) 288-6635
Location: Single
Congr. District: 17
County: Santa Clara

Public Profile

SE3D Education builds classroom 3D bioprinters and curricula for science education - effectively making a cutting edge technology available to every school by creating a classroom 3D bioprinter equipment and innovative curriculum for high schools and colleges. The firm's 3D bioprinter equipment are easy-to-use and designed for classroom

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2018 2 NSF $1,036,512
Project Title: Low-cost 3D bio-printer toolkit for STEM education

Key People / Management

  Mayasari Lim -- Founder & Chief Executive Officer

  Prashanth Asur -- Co-Founder

  Sabrina Cismas -- Content Development Specialist

  Theron Hawley -- Mechanical Design Engineer

  Kevin Kozel -- Mechanical Design Engineer

Company News

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