Company Profile

Safe Inc
Profile last edited on: 6/23/2022      CAGE: 3CC53      UEI: HYN4LL3VRAE6

Business Identifier: Design of energy-absorbing, crash-worthy hardware for transportation applications
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Popularity Index
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Location Information

5032 South Ash Avenue Suite 101
Tempe, AZ 85282
   (480) 820-2032
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Maricopa

Public Profile

Formed by a pioneer in aviation crash survivability, Safe, Inc. is a product development, engineering, and technology research firm with a core focus on safety. From delivering innovative designs of energy-absorbing, crashworthy hardware to solving challenging problems in air, sea, and ground transportation, Safe is supporting a growing list of clients including: the U. S. Navy, U. S. Army, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NASA, Lockheed Martin, the Federal Transportation Administration, and others. Safe facilities are fully equipped to fabricate, assemble, and test prototypes. the firm's lab is equipped to perform static and dynamic testing and includes an indoor drop tower and a multi-directional, multi-load static test system. In-house capabilities include SolidWorks™ CAD workstations, COSMOS™ finite element analysis software, and PhotoWorks™ graphics rendering software. Safe personnel have expertise in successfully applying these tools in solving the design challenges inherent in aerospace, defense, automotive, transportation, sensing, and medical systems. The firm's products include: Energy Absorbing Seating; Ground Vehicle Protection; Personal Protection; Crashworthy Systems; and Transparent Armor.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2022 2 Navy $1,029,402
Project Title: Crash Safety Data Recorder
2021 2 Navy $1,048,939
Project Title: Passive Anti-Resonance (PAR) Vibration Isolator
2020 2 Army $710,834
Project Title: Spall Liner Energy Attenuating (EA) Material Development
2020 2 AF $899,896
Project Title: Powered Rollers for Cargo Aircraft
2019 2 Navy $1,290,301
Project Title: Aircrew-Mounted Self-Adjusting Tether System

Key People / Management

  Stanley P Desjardins -- Founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer

  Dale Kennedy -- President

  Sarah Galyon Dorman

  Bob Gansman -- Manager of Technology Development

  Brian Goedken

  Michael Haerle

  Lance Labun

  Caleb Richards

  Marv Richards

  Brad Sutter -- Vice President and General Manager

  Terry Wilhelm

  Nicholas Williams