Company Profile

Rubi Laboratories LLC
Profile last edited on: 4/26/23      CAGE: 8QGM7      UEI: XDHAP1NKBJG3

Business Identifier: Carbon-negative fabric made from carbon emissions
Year Founded
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Location Information

27 Marin Avenue
Sausalito, CA 94965
   (415) 342-2468
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Marin

Public Profile

Turning carbon emissions into carbon-negative textiles for use by the fashion industry, Rubi Laboratories is anchored in an industrial enzyme biocatalysis platform that effectively "mimics" nature by absorbing CO2 and "making" cellulose pulp of the type already widely used by textiles industry. Anchored in high quality science using biocatalyst solutions to turn carbon emissions into natural fibers, the firm is (cost competitively) unlocking as a natural resource for making critical materials, with the firm's cell-free enzymatic technology platform and a focus on carbon-negative textiles for the fashion industry first. Anchored in high-quality science, the firm is capable of making the same textiles apparel brands already use today at half the cost of cotton at scale, and completely carbon-negative and water- and land-neutral.

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Key People / Management

  Neeka Mashouf -- Co-Founder & CEO

  Rebekah Holtsclaw -- Research Scientist

  Gal Levin -- Head of Process Development

  Leila Mashouf -- Co-Founder & CTO

  Arzu Sandikci -- Head of Bio Engineering

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