Company Profile

Rediminds Inc
Profile last edited on: 11/11/20      CAGE: 8B8U8      UEI: FKNMZ8DZTDX9

Business Identifier: Transforming healthcare with data and artificial intelligence
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
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Location Information

29777 Telegraph Road Suite 1670
Southfield, MI 48034
   (248) 996-8439
Location: Single
Congr. District: 14
County: Oakland

Public Profile

RediMinds describes itself as operating at the intersection of healthcare and artificial intelligence - specializing in building AI based clinical applications to bring the future to point of care. A primary focus is collection and organization of all patient centric clinical modalities including encounters, medications, observations, vitals, diagnosis, pathology reports, genomics, physician notes, surgical procedures and lab tests. Describing what the firm does as "Clinical Data Engineering" the approach is one of data preparation, clean-up, labeling, normalization and augmentation with additional socio-economic & cultural factors.

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Privately Held
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Key People / Management

  Madhu Reddiboina -- President and CEO

  Beth Chappell

Company News

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