Company Profile

Ravn Inc
Profile last edited on: 4/22/2020      CAGE: 84GH6      UEI: G3LFQB22PPH1

Business Identifier: Enabling human interaction with intelligent machines in environments where typical interfaces are impractical
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

615 Guerrero Street Unit 4
San Francisco, CA 94110
   (603) 793-1221
Location: Single
Congr. District: 11
County: San Francisco

Public Profile

With an emphasis on addressing the needs of those in uniform, Ravn is an augmented reality company building next generation technology. From the premise that in the context of an environment that is dynamic and unforgiving, the right intelligence at the right time saves lives. Built from the ground up for use on the front lines, the firm's platform delivers mission-critical intelligence to service members when they need it most. In hazardous environments, humans are incresasingly partnering with intelligent machines send into danger areas. Ravn is building wearable systems and software that connects distributed and dynamic groups of humans and machines: advanced eyewear, human-machine interaction, and distributed computing. ?

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Key People / Management

  Jake Bullock -- Founder andCEO

  Oliver Bayley -- Vice President of Ux Design

  Marius Caldas -- Senior Software Engineer

  Karl Guttag -- Chief Science Officer

  Paul Michalczuk -- Vice President of Hardware

  James Storer -- Head of Business Development

  Sam Weiss -- Mechanical Engineer

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