Company Profile

Quantum Diamond Technologies Inc (AKA: QDTI)
Profile last edited on: 3/10/20      CAGE: 6RGY7      UEI: K94NGTLP6LM6

Business Identifier: Technologies based on unique properties of diamond
Year Founded
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Location Information

28 Dane Street
Somerville, MA 02143
   (617) 440-4484
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Middlesex

Public Profile

Involving a team of Harvard University quantum scientists, Quantum Diamond Technologies Inc (QDTI) is commercializing a new class of nanoscale devices reliant on the fundamental properties of quantum mechanics to allow new applications in sensing, metrology, computing and other fields. QDTI's technology platform uses atom-sized quantum defects in diamond as powerful, robust, and compact sensors for nanoscale imaging and advanced biomedical diagnostic applications - effcetively using quantum technology to create a novel all-magnetic digital protein detection capability - an extremely simple, minimal sample prep platform that potentially will benefit all segments of the biomedical research and in vitro diagnostic markets. New quantum devices are moving from the lab to the market, with the potential to transform fields ranging from medicine to computing.

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Key People / Management

  Seabron Adamson -- C0-Founder and CFO

  John Pena -- President and CEO

  Ion Abraham -- Patent Attorney

  Colin Connolly -- Director, Technology Developmen

  Lauren Styskal -- Research Scientist

Company News

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