Company Profile

Q-State Biosciences Inc (AKA: QState Biosciences~QuellTX~Quell TX Inc)
Profile last edited on: 5/15/2024      CAGE: 89PH0      UEI: L9HHRYCBMBZ1

Business Identifier: Transformative treatments for patients with devastating genetic disorders.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

179 Sidney Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
   (617) 945-5433
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Middlesex

Public Profile

Q-State Biosciences is functioning as a precision medicine company organized around care of patients having devastating genetic disorders. Q-State applies a proprietary end-to-end platform to diagnose the root cause of disease and to discover genetically targeted therapies. The firm has developed an all-optical electrophysiology platform for controlling and recording activity in electrically active cells: primary and human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and neurons. Combining proprietary ultrasensitive optogenetic actuators, genetically encoded voltage indicators, stem cell technology and advanced optical imaging, Q-State Biosciences uses custom instrumentation and software to probe cellular physiology with sub-micron spatial resolution and sub-millisecond temporal resolution. The firm probes dynamic cellular physiology with far higher throughput and information content than are achieved with manual patch clamp, multi electrode arrays, or calcium- or voltage-sensitive dyes. Cpincient with the firm's Series A financing in 2018, QState merged with PAirnomix and the former head of the latter took on the CEO position with QState.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Key People / Management

  Matthew Fox -- Chief Executive Officer

  Mette Smedegaard Andersen -- Head of Strategy and Partnerships

  Adam Cohen -- Founder

  Kevin Coveney -- Chief Financial Officer

  Graham Dempsey -- Head Research and Development

  Amy Elder -- Head of Chemistry

  David Gerber -- Head of Scientific Affairs

  Denise Johnson -- Head of Human Resources

  Michael Lacascia -- General Councel

  Pin Liu

  Owen B McManus -- Chief Technology Officer

  Margaret Nicholson

  Wendell Taylor -- Head of Business Development

  Kit Werley -- Head Of Engineering Researchkit Werley Head Of Engineering Research

  Eric White -- Head of Genomic Assay Development

  Erika Whyte -- Director of Lab Operations

  Luis Alberto Williams -- Head of Cell Biology

  Hongkang Zhang