Company Profile

Off Planet Research LLC (AKA: OPR)
Profile last edited on: 10/19/2021      CAGE: 7SEW1      UEI: RM5MU3DKA9A5

Business Identifier: Simulate Extra-terrestrial environments for R&D, produce lunar regolith and ice simulants, operate simulation labs.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

5700 Lacey Boulevard SE
Lacey, WA 98503
   (253) 391-0293
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Thurston

Public Profile

The organizing theme of Off Planet Research has been to create unique and sought after simulants from extra-terrestrial environments for the conduct fof R&D and testing space technologt. The firm offers resources that can dramatically increase mission assurance, cost effectiveness, and the speed of development of safe and effective space-based technologies. The objective is to enable a meaningful, enduring human presence beyond Earth orbit by helping organizations learn how to live and work on the Moon and other worlds safely and productively. To achive this objective, the firm produces high quality simulants that serve ot emulate the regolith and ices on the Moon and other planetary bodies. In addition to producing simulants, principals of the firm also design, adapt, and test components and processes for inclusion in future lunar and off world missions.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2023 2 NSF $1,221,707
Project Title: Portable Production Process for Icy Regoliths by Vapor Deposition
2022 1 NASA $156,404
Project Title: Flexible Dust-Excluding Fiber Seals
2022 1 NASA $156,449
Project Title: Removable xEMU SCC Protective Cover
2020 1 NASA $124,622
Project Title: Self-Cleaning Dust Proof Fluid and Gas Connector

Key People / Management

  Vincent G Roux -- President

  Rob Peckham

  Ryan Reed

  Melissa Roth -- Co-Owner

  Lauren Roux

Company News

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