Company Profile

Plain Sight Systems Inc (AKA: American Leak Detection)
Profile last edited on: 11/3/20      CAGE: 1WKQ9      UEI:

Business Identifier: Computational analytics and real-time signal extraction
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

19 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06510
   (203) 285-8617
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: New Haven

Public Profile

In 2006, Plain Sight was acquired by Water Intelligence, an environmental services and technology company focused on detecting, finding and remediating water leaks. The Plain Sight Group's initial IP research and development is related to technologies for the digital battlefield of the future (approximately $15m in Defense Department funding).The firm is focused on the creation of proprietary, next generation technologies in the areas of computational analytics, spectroscopy, electro-magnetics and optics to develop applications geared for the sorting, organizing and extracting of relevant features from massive amounts of digital data; 37+ patent filings; 14 awarded. The firm creates applications for different fields of use that are all marked by massive amounts of digital data where real-time signal extraction is mission critical. These fields range from seismic exploration (energy) to flow metering (water) to targeting (defense) to concussion monitoring (medical) to stock market forecasting (finance). Feature extraction technologies are also applicable to billion dollar commercial markets from environmental sciences to alternative energies to multimedia search to financial analytics.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2013 1 Navy $79,818
Project Title: Online Interactive Generative Multiscale Manifold Learning
2011 1 Navy $69,985
Project Title: Concept and Context Bi-Hierarchical Learning
2010 1 Navy $69,985
Project Title: Concept and Context Bi-Hierarchical Learning
2010 2 AF $849,209
Project Title: Diffusion Geometry Based Nonlinear Methods for Hyperspectral Change Detection

Key People / Management

  Ronald Coifman -- CTO

  Patrick J DeSouza -- President and CEO, Member of the Board

  Andreas C Coppi -- Vice President, Products

  Frederick Warner

Company News

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