Company Profile

PI Radio Inc
Profile last edited on: 10/27/2019      CAGE: 7VTZ7      UEI: RFUAC2CZ3ZZ3

Business Identifier: Software Defined Radio (SDR) all-digital mmWave platform that can be used to provide Gbps wireless data connectivity in complex mobile environments
Year Founded
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Location Information

155 Water Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
   (347) 593-1161
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Kings

Public Profile

Pi Radio is building the world's first Software Defined Radio (SDR) all-digital mmWave platform that can be used to provide Gbps wireless data connectivity in complex mobile environments. Pi Radio's all-digital mmWave solution allows for the tracking of beams in all directions simultaneously, and therefore provide higher data rates and drastically fewer connection drops.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
1685969307 2 DARPA $999,985
Project Title: 140 GHz Multi-Channel Software Defined Radios
2020 1 Army $165,840
Project Title: Millimeter Waveforms For Tactical Networking
2020 2 NSF $1,206,907
Project Title: A Fully-Digital Transceiver Design for mmWave Communications

Key People / Management

  Aditya Dhananjay

  Marco Mezzavilla

Company News

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