Company Profile

PHusis Therapeutics Inc (AKA: Ensysce Biosciences Inc)
Profile last edited on: 1/9/17      CAGE: 5KGW3      UEI: JGZFBDAL61C4

Business Identifier: Rapidly identification of inhibitors of proteins with regulatory PH-domains that drive cancer growth critical in many therapeutic applications
Year Founded
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Location Information

3210 Merryfield Row
San Diego, CA 92121
   (713) 790-0080
Location: Single
Congr. District: 52
County: San Diego

Public Profile

PHusis is designing precision medicines using its proprietary computational modeling platform, PHuDock to rapidly identify inhibitors of proteins with regulatory PH-domains that drive cancer growth. The approach provides PHusis with the means of identifying drug leads more rapidly and in a cost effective manner. The result is, PHusis has built a pipeline of drug leads against some novel and critical cancer targets including PDK1, mutant KRAS and NRAS. Patients can be selected for treatment based on their mutational profile, eliminating unnecessary treatment of patients without the targets. PHusis Therapeutics is focused on targeting the PH Domain (pleckstrin homology domain) of proteins that are critical in many therapeutic applications including cancer, inflammation, cardiovascular and neurological diseases and diabetes. The PH domain is known to regulate protein signaling and its inhibition with small molecules that bind specifically to this portion of the protein, provides a novel approach to disease modulation.Using both experimental and in silico library screening techniques, PHusis has identified a novel class of non–lipid-based compounds that bind selectively to the PH domain of AKT. Calculated binding affinities compared favorably with those measured using Surface Plasmon Resonance spectroscopy. Some of the compounds exhibited high selectivity towards the AKT PH domain compared with IRS1 and PDK1. The compounds inhibited AKT regulated cell proliferation and induced apoptosis. The firm is closely tied to JLab system

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2014 1 NIH $225,000
Project Title: Inhibiting Plekha7 for Mutant Kras Therapy
2013 1 NIH $287,434
Project Title: Targeting Mutant Kras For Cancer Therapy

Key People / Management

  Lynn D Kirkpatrick -- President and CEO

  Emmanuelle Meuillet -- Scientific Co-Founder, Scientific Advisory Board

  Garth Powis -- Scientific Co-Founder, Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board

  Shuxing Zhang -- Scientific Co-Founder, Scientific Advisory Board

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