Company Profile

PhaST Corporation (AKA: PhAST Diagnostics )
Profile last edited on: 8/8/2020      CAGE: 7U4Y1      UEI: ZPH8MUHVCGE3

Business Identifier: Rapid diagnostic technology: actionable information on pathogens Imaging at the scale of microbes.
Year Founded
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Location Information

325 Vassar Street Suite 2A
Cambridge, MA 02139
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 07
County: Suffolk

Public Profile

PhAST - aka PhAST Diagnostics - is a seed-stage AI healthcare company developing computer vision technology for rapid pathogen identification and antibiotic resistance detection directly from patient samples. The firm's platform is designed to provide clinical decision support for doctors, workflow improvement for hospitals, and helps accelerate the drug development process for pharmaceutical companies. Management believes that innovative technology can transform the way infectious diseases can be tackled. To that end, PhAST is developing rapid diagnostic technology to provide actionable information on pathogens, with the ultimate goal of making the world a healthier place. PhAST brings the power of single-cell imaging to microbiology, harnessing the immediate and extensive information that imaging reveals about microorganisms. The firm's multidisciplinary team is structured around bringing to bear a broad range of diagnostic testing approaches through single-cell imaging, to massively accelerate the detection, identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing of pathogens – from days down to minutes.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2020 2 NIH $600,000
Project Title: Using Combinations of Single-Cell Phenotypes for Rapid Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing

Key People / Management

  Kwangmin Son -- Founder and CEO

  Roman Stocker -- Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer

Company News

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