Company Profile

Phase3 Photovoltaics Inc
Profile last edited on: 12/22/20      CAGE: 892Y0      UEI: VMAREHRA4KF8

Business Identifier: Design, assembly, transportation of solar panels to install for manufactured solar homes
Year Founded
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Location Information

3055 NW Yeon Avenue Suite 629
Portland, OR 97210
   (989) 415-3472
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Multnomah

Public Profile

Phase3 Voltaics Inc provides design, assembly, and transportation of solar panels to install for manufactured solar homes. With a focus on racking and mounting hardware that seamlessly integrates into a range of roof types, the firm provides the detailed drawings to match solar products with a variety of roof designs. The residential solar market is heavy on logistics, with detailed bills of materials comprising parts from many different suppliers, depending on the details of the specific installation. Requirements for permitting and commissioning a new solar installation vary widely from state to state and with different utility company jurisdictions. The firm has industry experience to navigate the laws, codes and regulations in each customers’ area of the country. Phase3PV also steps in on the home distributor side to offer assistance with permits and marketing. Phase3PV provides ready-to-go factory-installed systems that cut time and money out of the end product.

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Key People / Management

  Ethan A Good -- President

  Nathan G Staddard

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