Company Profile

PGXL Technologies LLC (AKA: PGXL Laboratories)
Profile last edited on: 11/15/2017      CAGE: 516Z5      UEI: ZFN5J433DCT1

Business Identifier: Clinical application of pharmacogenetic and molecular diagnostic testing for personalized medicine
Year Founded
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Location Information

201 East Jefferson Street Suite 309
Louisville, KY 40202
   (502) 569-1584
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Jefferson

Public Profile

PGXL Technologies is the sister company of PGXL Laboratories, which applies the clinical application of pharmacogenetic and molecular diagnostic testing for personalized medicine. It is PGXL TechnologiesÂ’ mission to identify and commercialize new technologies to improve medical outcomes and advance the cause of personalized medicine.The company operates as both a commercial and research laboratory and is engaged with the development of personalized medicine at the level of discovery, assay development and clinical testing.PGXL conducts contract technical development for a wide variety of clients who are developing new drugs or researching new ways of applying genetics to the treatment of diseases and disorders. PGXL Tech performs rare cell recovery and NextGen Sequencing, Assay Development and Validation and contract research.

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Key People / Management

  Roland Valdes Jr -- President

  Christopher T Burns

  Brad Esarey -- Strategic Alliances

  Mark Linder -- Executive Vice President/Operations

  Diana Maslowski

  Adnan Masri -- Sales And Contract Research

  Delu Yin

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