Company Profile

PediaMetrix LLC (AKA: PediaMetrix Inc)
Profile last edited on: 12/29/2022      CAGE: 81WG5      UEI: M41ALBKWRKL5

Business Identifier: Employing AI and computer vision to pediatric health to lower cost and improve outcome
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

155 Gibbs Street Suite 537
Rockville, MD 20850
   (240) 670-0171
Location: Single
Congr. District: 08
County: Montgomery

Public Profile

Organized around the objective of bringing smart digital health solutions to pediatric care, the principals of Pediametrix Inc have the vision of revolutionizing pediatric health by giving parents -- as well as pediatricians -- access to accurate and reliable diagnostic tools at the point-of-care through data-driven machine learning and image processing methods. The firm has launched initial operations by addressing one of the most common conditions in newborns, i.e. positional plagiocephaly or flat head syndrome. The firm's flat head syndrome app enables parents to access and be provided with accurate measures of their baby's head shape. They then receive instantaneously those repositioning instructions specific to their baby. Pediatricians also have access to the data and the easy-to-understand analysis of the smart algorithms behind the app to save time while ensuring quality care.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2023 2 NIH $1,117,697
Project Title: Mobile Three-Dimensional Screening for Cranial Malformations
2022 2 NSF $1,403,828
Project Title: Quantitative methods for assessment of infants cranial malformations using 2D photos

Key People / Management

  Fereshteh Aalamifar -- Founder and CEO

  Chris Daly -- Sales & Marketing

  Seyed Hossein Hezaveh -- Software Engineer

  Can Kocabalkanli -- R&D Research Engineer

  Marius George Linguraru -- Scientist, Professor and Entrepreneu

  Reza Seifabadi -- Co-founder & COO

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