Company Profile

Pearl Bio Inc
Profile last edited on: 5/9/24      CAGE: 9B0A4      UEI: QRR3ELYYB486

Business Identifier: Platform technology advancing multi-functionalized biologics and biomaterials by encoding synthetic chemistries
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

700 Main Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
   (917) 848-9907
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Middlesex

Public Profile

Pearl Bio is usefully understood as a ground-breaking firm harnessing the power of synthetic biology to build next-gen biomaterials for smart biologics. With a patent portfolio of more than two dozen issued patents, Principals f the firm are creating entirely new classes of materials for smart biologics. The firm's genetically recoded organism - in combination with combined with engineered translational machinery of the cell - breaks the rules of life by enabling the incorporation of building blocks beyond the 20 amino acids that exist in nature. This technology has the potentiial to disrupt the medical paradigm by producing novel chemistries that solve existing challenges in the immuno-therapeutics space and pave the way to completely new materials.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Amy Cayne Schwartz -- Co-Founder, COO & CBO

  William Blake

  Farren Isaacs -- Co-Founder and Science Advisor

  Michael Jewett -- Co-Founder and Science Advisor

  David Mcintyre

  Jesse Rinehart -- Science Advisor

Company News

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