Company Profile

Optrand Inc
Profile last edited on: 7/11/14      CAGE:       UEI:

Business Identifier: Static & dynamic pressure sensors for continuous monitoring and control
Year Founded
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Location Information

46155 Five Mile Road
Plymouth, MI 48170
   (734) 451-3480
Location: Single
Congr. District: 11
County: Wayne

Public Profile

OPTRAND Inc specializes in the development and manufacturing of static and dynamic Pressure Sensors for continuous monitoring and control, as well as testing and diagnostic applications. The firm’s sealed-gauge sensor technology utilizes one or multiple optical fibers positioned in front of a flexing metal diaphragm. The intensity of the reflected light is proportional to the pressure induced deflections of the diaphragm. The patented sensor head, diaphragm and the auto-referencing technique guarantee the long-term reliability that is required in OEM monitoring and control systems. The long-life low-cost sensors offered by the firm are offered in packages as small as 1.7 mm in diameter, with pressures ranging from 0-100 psi to 0-30,000 psi. These sensors are designed for continuous operation in harsh conditions of high temperature up to 350°C, high Electro-Magnetic and Radio Frequency Interference fields (EMI/RFI), and chemically volatile and explosive environments. Sensors require neither water nor air-cooling. Optrand products are suitable for a wide range of applications such as: combustion pressure measurements in gasoline, diesel, natural gas, and racing engines; plastic industry (extrusion, injection and compression molding); compressor pressure monitoring; marine; hydraulics; fuel injection; turbochargers; oil and gas exploration (down hole instrumentation); die casting; nuclear; avionics; and defense industries

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2014 1 OSD $143,502
Project Title: Miniature Static-Dynamic Cylinder Pressure Sensor
1994 1 NIH $99,919
Project Title: A One-French Fiber-Optic Pressure Microtransducer
1994 1 DARPA $99,936
Project Title: Spark Plug Integrated Fiber Optic Sensor System for Internal Combustion Engine Monitoring and Control

Key People / Management

  Marek T Wlodarczyk -- President

Company News

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