Company Profile

Optosurgical LLC
Profile last edited on: 1/27/2022      CAGE: 8BQW2      UEI: N5FFBMLQHAJ9

Business Identifier: Real-time visibility of critical anatomy during surgery
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

251 Little Falls Drive
Wilmington, DE 19808
   (240) 271-7789
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 00
County: New Castle

Public Profile

Optosurgial LLC is structured around the objective of improving patient outcomes by making critical anatomy visible to operating surgeons requiring the structural and functional tissue information to in real-time. Involving a group of biomedical engineers and entrepreneurs having technical expertise in biomedical optics, Optosurgical specializes in the R&D of intraoperative imaging devices to aid clinicians. Thefirm's lead lead innovation to date utilizes fluorescence imaging technology to guide surgeons in thyroid and parathyroid surgery. Example: It is often difficult during surgeries visually to distinguish parathyroid glands (PTGs) from their surrounding anatomical structures because of their small size and appearance that is similar to lymph nodes, fat, and thyroid tissue. Consequently, PTGs are frequently injured or removed - potentially leading to serious complications such as postoperative hypocalcemia or hypoparathyroidism, increasing risk to patient health and driving up the cost of care.

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Key People / Management

  Eugene Oh -- Chief Executive Officer

  Jaepyeong (Richard) Cha -- Assistant Professor, Children's National Hospital, Dept. of Pediatrics

  Yoseph Kim -- Chief Operating Officer, R&D Administrator

  Bo Ning

  Ralph P Tufano

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