Company Profile

OptoSonics Inc
Profile last edited on: 2/13/17      CAGE: 3QWJ0      UEI:

Business Identifier: diagnostic 3D imaging instrumentation based on thermoacoustic and photoacoustic principles
Year Founded
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Location Information

108 Straight Road
Oriental, NC 28571
   (252) 249-2409
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Pamlico

Public Profile

OptoSonics, Inc. is developing a new class of medical diagnostic 3D imaging instrumentation based on thermoacoustic and photoacoustic principles. The firm's initial product development aimed at breast cancer detection. As a developer of premier molecular imaging products, OptoSonics is pursuing important collaborations with leading medical schools and universities in an effort to significantly impact the fields of molecular biology, oncology, drug development and diagnostic medicine. OptoSonics' fundamentally new technology allows researchers and clinicians to "see" the very molecular basis of disease. For physicians, this revolutionary breakthrough offers a way to detect subtle alterations in the molecular structure of normal tissue as the disease progresses — long before such changes can be detected by other imaging technologies. The company is also involved in various research and development projects of thermoacoustic computed tomography and related technologies

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2014 1 NIH $225,000
Project Title: Instrument and Method for Forming Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Images of the Brea
2011 2 NIH $4,486,271
Project Title: 3-D Thermoacoustic Computed Tomography for Molecular Imaging
2008 1 NIH $193,879
Project Title: Hypr-Spectral Pct For Preclinical Imaging
2008 2 NIH $2,474,816
Project Title: In vivo Thermoacoustic Imaging of HER2 Status
2004 1 NIH $111,165
Project Title: Optical Tomography for Cardiac Imaging of Small Animals

Key People / Management

  Robert A Kruger -- President

  Patrick Del Rio -- Bioengineer

  William Kiser

  Gabe Kruger -- Head Software Engineer

  Richard Lam -- Engineer

  Daniel Reinecke -- bioengineer and co-founder