Company Profile

Optoniks Corp
Profile last edited on: 12/21/18      CAGE: 71XX7      UEI: JXVWDEZME878

Business Identifier: Optical metrology: electronics enabling technology in fields of dimensional inspection and precision quality control
Year Founded
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Location Information

7711 Idlewild Road
Indian Trail, NC 28079
   (704) 840-9332
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Union

Public Profile

Optroniks Corporation is anchored in work undertaken by the firm's founder(s) while at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte and the three issued patents In the field of 3D profilometry - subsequently licensed from the University. The firm operates as a optical metrology company focusing on electronics enabling technology in the field of dimensional inspection and precision quality control. OPTONIKS’ 3D night vision technology enables the obtaining of detailed features of an object under low and even no light conditions. The technology captures the 3D structure of the object, regardless of its heat distribution and can identify objects and faces in dark environment. Spectral imaging The platform nature of the Specctral Imaging technology also liecensed fromtheuniversity allows OPTONIKS to develop unique solutions for many applications, including medical diagnosis, forensic evidence recovery, food inspections and many others. OPTONIKS’ thickness measurement is another technology which applies to rough surfaces and scattering materials. The firm's novel noise reduction technology allows accurate measurement from interference images with significant speckle and scattering nois

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2015 1 NSF $149,870
Project Title: Thickness Measurement System for Films with Rough Surfaces and Scattering Materials

Key People / Management

  Majid Babaie -- CEI

  Mehrdad Abolbashari -- CTO

  Robert Splinter -- Chief Commercialization Office

Company News

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