Company Profile

Optique (AKA: IMMY Inc)
Profile last edited on: 12/21/2022      CAGE: 7J1L8      UEI: U9WJJAYJS8A9

Business Identifier: Development of augmented and virtual reality tools
Year Founded
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Location Information

1465 Axtell Road Suite A
Troy, MI 48084
   (248) 545-7550
Location: Single
Congr. District: 11
County: Oakland

Public Profile

Previously dba as IMMY Inc, Optique is structured around enabling the power of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to transform the way people learn, work and play. A working premis was that, to do that would require develop products with a large field of view (FoV), in a lightweight wearable form-factor while ensuring human-comfort, human safety and eye-comfort, eye-safety. After 10 years of pioneering research, Optique has delivered such as a breakthrough. The firm's patented Natural Eye OpticsTM (N.E.O) technology replicates how humans see things thus providing the most natural, comfortable, and safe viewing experience offering a large field of view (as much as 135 degrees) and delivering an immersive VR and photorealistic AR experiences.

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Key People / Management

  Douglas P Magyari

  Salvatore Vilardi -- Creator of Products Board Member

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