Company Profile

OptiMetrics Inc
Profile last edited on: 12/12/2022      CAGE: 9R604      UEI: W6H3DG1BPRA8

Business Identifier: Chemical, biological, radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNe) defense, training and simulation, and combat vehicle survivability
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
Popularity Index
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Location Information

100 Walter Ward Boulevard
Abingdon, MD 21009
   (410) 417-5780
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 02
County: Harford

Public Profile

Acquired by DCS Corporation in August 2012, OptiMetrics, Inc. now operates as a subsidiary of that firm and has outgrownthe SBIR 500 employee size standard. OptiMetrics, Inc. offers chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNe) defense services that include military analytical, CBRNe science and engineering, and CBRNe information management services; electro-optical (EO) technology services, such as LADAR systems development, robotic sensing and brownout landing LADAR, and EO signature measurement services; training and simulation technology services, including vehicle embedded training, virtual maintenance trainer, distributed interactive simulation, and 3D virtual environment eye-tracking services; and combat vehicle survivability services, such as survivability systems SETA, active protection system, smoke and obscurant system, and signature analysis services. The company also develops modeling and simulation tools in the areas of CBRNe phenomenology and sensor performance, combat vehicle survivability, EO sensor performance, distributed interactive simulation/high level architecture distributed training, and human visual performance to provide predictions, perform trade-off studies, and support combat simulation exercises. In addition, it offers incident management software products for civilian incident managers/responders and military CBRNe officers to understand CBRNe incidents, model local effects, plan a response, and notify other responders/responsible agencies; Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Warning, and Reporting Network software that integrates CBRN data and sensor information into a common operational picture for battlespace situational awareness; and custom incident management solutions for military and civilian applications. The company was founded in 1979 and is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It has operations in Michigan, Maryland, Ohio, and New Mexico.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  Scott M Singer -- President

  Frederick G Smith -- CEO

  Ralph J Brewer

  Charles H Church

  Parker C Ferguson

  William O Gallery

  Paul G Gottschalk

  John R Hummel

  George H Lindquist

  George H Linquist

  Brian T Mitchell

  Merle J Persky

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