Company Profile

OMEGA-P Inc (AKA: Omega-p r&d, Inc)
Profile last edited on: 6/21/2023      CAGE: 3V887      UEI: RBNGKYKNAN47

Business Identifier: Basic research in field of Accelerator Physics.
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

199 Whitney Avenue Suite 200
New Haven, CT 06492
   (203) 458-1144
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: New Haven

Public Profile

Except for two Navy SBIR PhaseI awards in 1994 and 1999, and one Phase I from OSD in 2006, with management of Omega-P, Inc. decscribing the firm as "performing basic research in the field of Accelerator Physics", the firm is entirely DOE funded from 1992 to present with almost 80 Phase I projects - 39 taken into Phase II - for a total of $38+M. A primary focus of the firm is development of a rapidly-adjustable, cathode to improve proton beam quality used with an electron lens - having applications for vacuum tubes employed for telecommunications and radar, in both civilian and military systems. The effort is to develop high-power microwave switches to allow tests of structures to sustain higher electric fields without breakdown, thus enabling operation at higher energy, and also opening up commercial applications with improved clinical accelerators. Intense proton beams can be used for disposal of waste from nuclear reactor spent fuel rods, and other applications

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2023 1 DOE $200,000
Project Title: X-Ray Source for Detector Calibration
2022 1 DOE $200,000
Project Title: Highly-Efficient 20-MW L-Band Multi-Beam Klystron
2021 1 DOE $200,000
Project Title: Efficient 800-MHz Two-Stage Multi-Beam Klystron
2018 1 DOE $150,000
Project Title: 50 kW CW Multi-Beam Klystron (MBK)
2018 1 DOE $150,000
Project Title: Positron Production Target

Key People / Management

  Jay L Hirshfield -- President

  Xiangyun Chang

  Achintya K Ganguly

  Yong Jiang

  Michael R LaPointe

  Oleg A Nezhevenko

  Sergey Shchelkunov

  Enid Stanley

  George R Trahan

  Viacheslav P Yakovlev

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