Company Profile

Ocuvera (AKA: Ocuvera~Ng Health Ventures LLC)
Profile last edited on: 5/30/2023      CAGE: 6KR10      UEI: XMRBW3Q94HJ3

Business Identifier: Fall prevention systems in hospitals
Year Founded
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Location Information

725 O Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
   (402) 770-0588
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Lancaster

Public Profile

Renamed Ocuvera - meaning vision truth - Ng Health Ventures is developing proactive technology - anchored in computer vision technology - to help facilities prevent dangerous fall situations before they arise. Ocuvera is using a predictive algorithm that 'knows' when patients will get out of bed. To mitigate the risk of patient falls, Ocuvera has developed software connected to a 3D camera that alerts nurses when a patient is about to get out of bed. The system functions differently than other products that involve sensors in the bed itself. Ocuvera’s system produces 3D depth imaging, recording shapes of objects and movements - effectively providing 24/7 patient monitoring. The systems identifies each body part, and analyzes how each part moves in relation to others, providing extremely specialized analysis and reporting.Data collected during previous monitoring is enabling development of algorithms that can predict, with increasing accuracy, when a patient is about to get out of bed. Alarms are delivered directly to mobile devices carried by the nursing staff.

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Key People / Management

  Steve Kiene -- Founder and CEO

  Paul Bauer -- Product Manager

  Lucas Sabalka -- Computer Vision Specialist