Formed by a group of experienced technology executives and investors having both professional experience in special education technology and personal commitments to advancing the education of children with disabilities, ObjectiveEds mission is to provide students with disabilities -- and the parents and professionals dedicated to their education -- digital curriculum and integrated performance monitoring and reporting tools designed to help students achieve their best educational outcomes. In business for almost two decades, prior successes of the Objective Ed team have included eSped, Inc. and Blindfold Games. ? eSped Inc provides comprehensive solutions for the management and regulatory reporting requirements of Special Student Populations, including those covered under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), ESL/ELL (English as a Second Language/English Language Learners), RTI (Response to Intervention), Section 504, Gifted, and other State and Federal regulations. eSped provides services to over 1,000 public, private and charter school districts and over 500,000 students in six states. ? The firm has been variously recognized for their efforts - winning the Louis Braille Touch of Genius award from the National Braille Press, the American Council of the Blind Annual Award and the Florida Association for Education and Rehabilitation for Innovator of the Year. ?