Company Profile

NuGen Polymers LLC
Profile last edited on: 5/19/2016      CAGE: 6T1T6      UEI: X6B9HMX4DGM5

Business Identifier: Solid-state shear pulverization (SSSP) to make polymeric materials
Year Founded
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Location Information

600 Davis Street
Evanston, IL 60201
   (414) 339-8310
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Cook

Public Profile

NuGen Polymers uses an innovative process known as solid-state shear pulverization (SSSP) to make polymeric materials that cannot be made via conventional processing techniques. SSSP lowers material cost by reducing processing steps. In addition, the materials have superior properties as a result of better break-up and dispersion of additives. NuGen’s products fall within three distinct areas including engineered materials, recycled plastics, and biobased and biodegradable polymer composites

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Less than .5M
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