Developing a new technology for ultra low-cost energy storage, Noon Energy has developed a new class of battery technology designed cost-effectively to turn intermittent solar and wind electricity into on-demand power. Using ultra-low-cost storage media able to match the energy efficiency of lithium-ion technology, the system stores energy by splitting CO2 into solid carbon and oxygen in a flow battery configuration, utilizing abundant materials and simple reaction chemistry. Effectively providing long-duration storage at costs far lower than current storage technologies, the system offers afre more that the energy density of lithium-ion batteries that will enabling longer range electric vehicles. Now part of the Cyclotron Road fellowship program at Berkeley Lab, Noon has designed and assembled the first bench-scale system prototype of this new storage technology, done initial modeling of the full system and carried out techno-economics analysis. Noon is currenty addressing the de-risking of key system components, scale up to stack level demonstration of a next-stage prototype and addressing development and integration of heat management,