Operating since 2014 start-up it what can only be called high stealth mode until the $30M achieved investment in December 2021. With 4 SBIR awards - each from a different agency - and very small-scale angel support in its early years of operation, Nodexus is structured around development of the NX One platform tht is designed to address widespread unmet needs for accessible live single cell isolation in industrial/biopharma, clinical research, and academic sectors. The NX One platform consists of a low-infrastructure, low-cost hardware system and single-use disposable. microfluidic cartridges tailored toward live single-cell workflows involving gene editing (e.g. CRISPR engineering), cell line/antibody development, and tumor heterogeneity studies. Nodexus is commercializing NX One, an integrated, one-click platform that is the highest-efficiency, lowest-cost integrated benchtop system for single-cell analysis, sorting, and dispensing. The patented technology makes single-cell isolation widely adoptable for any lab performing bioprocessing, gene editing, cancer biology workflows, and more.