Company Profile

Nirmidas Biotech Inc
Profile last edited on: 8/30/21      CAGE: 6ZSA2      UEI: NEZMEBQCM9E6

Business Identifier: Biological testing, assays, and imaging
Year Founded
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Location Information

2458 Embarcadero Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303
   (408) 439-9138
Location: Single
Congr. District: 18
County: Santa Clara

Public Profile

Nirmidas Biotech, Inc. - an Alumni of JLab San Francisco - provides solutions for bio-analytical and diagnostic researchers using plasmonic gold (pGOLD) technology that - optimized over nearly a decade of research - vastly enhances near-infrared fluorescence signal. Nirmidas Biotech and Stanford University have collaborated to develop a multiplexed serological test for the diagnosis of Zika and Dengue. More recently the firm has developed, validated, and launched the COVID-19 rapid test for IgG/IgM for clinical diagnostics with Nimrmidas' technology being based on a novel red to near-infrared fluorescence enhancing detection platform. The platform is a personal and portable diagnostic systems for early disease diagnosis and prognosis monitoring, as well as for population-based screening applications. One of the company's primary technologies is a near-infrared II (NIR-II) dye product (IR-E1050) with high quantum yield and high biocompatibility (renal excretion) which can be used for fluorescence imaging with low autofluorescence/low background ex vivo with cells and tissues. Nirmidas is resident at Janssen Labs @QB3 as well as StartX Med, a Stanford-affiliated nonprofit technology accelerator program.

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Key People / Management

  Meijie Tang -- CEO, President and Co-Founder

  Hongjie Dai -- Founder

  Lynn Kozma

  Joshua Tucker Robinson -- Director of R&D