Company Profile

NexTC Corporation
Profile last edited on: 9/16/22      CAGE: 847U5      UEI: ZKGZD6HXL3C4

Business Identifier: Insulator and conductive oxide coatings for the energy and large area electronics markets
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

1110 NE Circle Boulevard
Corvallis, OR 97330
   (214) 748-3647
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Benton

Public Profile

Spun out of the Oregon State University Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry and the Department of Chemistry - an NSF funded endeavor - NexTC Corporation is structured round production of high-performance, low-cost insulator and conductive oxide coatings for manufacturers in the energy conversion, energy efficiency, and electronics markets. The coatings allow customers to dramatically reduce manufacturing costs, grow markets, and introduce new products. Anchored in R&D undertaken by the firm's founders, NextTC offers state-of-the-art thin-film technologies that are produced without high-vacuum methods. Applying their intricate knowledge and insights from the principals expertise in wet chemistry, the effort has been to apply similar techniques to the thin-film world. The firm's platform technologies have relevanceand potential application in thin-film solar, smart windows, and electronics.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 2 DOE $1,300,000
Project Title: Solar Modules: Low Cost Manufacturing
2020 1 NSF $225,000
Project Title: Low-cost Transparent Conductive Oxide Manufacturing for Smart Windows

Key People / Management

  Cory Perkins -- Founder and CEO

  Jenn Amador -- Co-Founder and COO

  Maceo Gutierrez-Higgins

  Doug Keszler -- Founder, Science Advisor

  Jim Sommers -- Technical Advisor

Company News

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