Originally doing business at the time of SBIR Awards as Neurostructural Analysis Ltd, the organization relocated to Florida, was renamed NeuroStructural Research Laboratories and structured as an independent non-profit organization and contract research facility. Though no longer SBIR eligible, the entity is focused to conduct neuroscience research in order to promote the understanding, prevention, and treatment of human neurological diseases and neurodegeneration. * specialize in Golgi-impregnation staining and analysis of neurons using formalin fixed brain tissue that is sent to lab. Golgi impregnation allows microscopic visualization of the soma and entire dendritic arbor in exquisite detail. * in depth morphometric analyses of Golgi stained neurons permit quantification of dendritic branching and spinesÂ…those structures essential to synaptic transfer of information and the basis of neuronal circuitry. Assessment of these dendritic parameters reflects both the health of the neurons and integrity of the circuitry in a specific brain region.