NeuroInDx, Inc. is a biotechnological company focused on discovering, developing and commercializing novel instruments for the study of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and diagnostics of CNS disorders and metabolic diseases. Areas of interest to the company include neuroscience, functional genomics, diagnostics, and the drug target discovery industry. The firm has expertise in a variety of fields including engineering, methods development, molecular biology and bioengineering. The first product developed by NeuroInDx was a low cost cell and tissue acquisition system (CTAS), which provided an efficient alternative to existing laser-assisted tissue microdissection systems. The CTAS technology was then turned into a commercially available instrument, Kuiqpick. The company has also developed UnipicK, which is a universal cell and tissue acquisition system that, in addition to all the benefits of KuiqpicK, can be paired with nearly all inverted microscopes.