Company Profile

Neo Prime Inc (AKA: Neo Prime Solutions Inc)
Profile last edited on: 7/17/2023      CAGE: 6RKS9      UEI: ZRCNNZTN9AN3

Business Identifier: Cyber Risk of Loss Assessment ; Risk-Driven Behavioral Monitoring and Detection Platform ; Enterprise Cyber Risk Management Training
Year Founded
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Location Information

2440 Camino Ramon Suite 127
San Ramon, CA 94583
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: Contra Costa

Public Profile

Neo Prime Inc is a cybersecurity firm that provides the following services: Cyber Risk of Loss Assessment; Risk-Driven Behavioral Monitoring and Detection Platform; Enterprise Cyber Risk Management Training. The firm's technology enables users to translate cyber risk into measurable financial terms to allow Board and C-suite level decisions to blend risk and investment trading into capex requirements. It also enables users to identify the controls that are most effective in reducing the specific sources of risk your organization is facing. Users can manage risk reduction actions effectively at Board, Executive, and Security Team levels within an organization. The firm's technology reduces the time, effort and complexity of monitoring for advanced threats. Users can target high-risk behaviors in their network and provide a highly efficient and optimal way to detect, monitor and mitigate threats.

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Key People / Management

  Craig Schultz

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