Company Profile

Nemucore Medical Innovations Inc (AKA: NMI)
Profile last edited on: 6/17/21      CAGE: 56X92      UEI: XJFVQ8JVRED5

Business Identifier: Life-saving nanomedicines for treatment of drug resistant cancers
Year Founded
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Location Information

One Hollis Street Suite 232
Wellesley, MA 02482
   (617) 943-9983
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Norfolk

Public Profile

Nemucore Medical Innovations Inc is organized around improvement of patient care by developing safe, effective molecularly targeted therapies: life-saving nanomedicines for the treatment of MDR cancers. Targeting multi-drug resistant cancers with a special emphasis on highly lethal women’s cancers, the fim has a commitment to partnering with biopharmaceutical industry to apply proprietary nanoformulation products to drugs that need solutions to difficult delivery problems. By working to know every patient the firm treats, and engaging patient advocacy groups in constructive ways to enhance patient quality of life, Nemucore is dedicated to forwarding knowledge of molecularly targeted therapies to become a leader in the development of revolutionary life saving products for improving cancer patient car

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Key People / Management

  Timothy P Coleman -- President and CEO

  Barbara Davis -- CSO

  Michael Masterson -- Founder and Executive Chairman

  William S White -- COO

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