Company Profile

Nectagen Inc
Profile last edited on: 6/21/19      CAGE: 50UY9      UEI: KAFMLCY56WM3

Business Identifier: Next generation antibody: immunoglobulin-like scaffold: open access model
Year Founded
First Award
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Location Information

2002 West 39th Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66103
   (913) 945-6755
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Wyandotte

Public Profile

Organized around development of next generation antibody: immunoglobulin-like scaffold, Nextagen is anchored in a very different business model from most for-profit firms, Established around the objective of advancing biomedical research by providing researchers with access to innovative technology and fostering a community for exchanging improvements, applications and data, the firm's management has created open technology platforms that biologists can customize and enhance for the community's benefit. Nectagen develops a critical mass of tools and reagents, supports users' development of new modifications and applications, and ensures open access to the technology for the academic community. Nectagen also has designed its platforms using components that are made available to non-profits on the condition that any modifications and derivatives made by the recipient are in turn made available to other non-profits and Nectagen

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Key People / Management

  David M Chao -- Founder

  Richard John Suderman -- Founder and Director of Research

  Shane Gibson -- Lab Tech

  Daren A Rice -- Lab Tech

  Eric J Strick -- Lab Tech

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