Company Profile

Natural Intelligence Systems Inc
Profile last edited on: 1/18/2023      CAGE: 7X8X5      UEI: FHBPDNVFFX52

Business Identifier: Pattern-based neuromorphic computing model
Year Founded
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Location Information

855 West Broad Street Suite 103
Boise, ID 83702
   (208) 540-19335
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Ada

Public Profile

Bringing breakthrough capabilities to the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Natural Intelligence Systems is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) company using a pattern-based machine learning system based on how the human brain actually works. The firm's neuromorphic computing system requires very little data, so people can make smarter and faster decisions with greater confidence than they can using traditional AI. If the now accepted premise that the human brain uses patterns to process data and to learn is valid, Natural Intelligence Systems would argue that he next generation of AI would require a different approach to understanding how the human brain actually works. Natural Intelligence System personnel are re-inventing how intelligence can be extracted from information and placed it into a cloud service utilizing what they describe as a "better algorithm leveraging the most advanced neuroscience to build better, more intelligent systems".

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2021 1 NASA $124,997
Project Title: Neuromorphic Machine Learning for Fault Management for Space Vehicle Applications

Key People / Management

  Paul Dlugosch -- Founder & CEO

  Matt Tanner -- VP Customer Engineering

Company News

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