Company Profile

NanoTek Inc (AKA: NanoTek Inc)
Profile last edited on: 6/16/08      CAGE: 1V5J9      UEI:

Business Identifier: microfluidic chemistry technology
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
Program Status
Inactive (Acquired)
Popularity Index
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Location Information

217 Fencerail Gap
Walland, TN 37886
   (865) 806-2059
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Blount

Public Profile

In August 2007, the firm was acquired by Advion BioSciences. Advion intends to add NanoTek to its micro and nano-scale LC-MS analytical platform as well as to continue investing in NanoTek's research and development and chemistry development. NanoTek co-founder and Chief Executive Joe Matteo will stay on at Advion as president of its accelerated chemistry division and a member of its executive committee.NanoTek, Inc. focuses on the R&D and manufacture of nanostructured analytical instruments and chemical sensors. NanoTek has several pending patents on chemical sensors, nanofabricated gas chromatographs (GC) and GC subsystems. NanoTek, Inc.’s products, the miniature nanostructured column-oven systems (NanoColOve Series) weighs only 50 grams and it has more than 500,000 theoretical plates and it truly represents state-of-the-art technology in analytical separations. Other products under development include photocatalytic sensors, and nitrogen oxide optrod

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2006 2 DOE $848,888
Project Title: Rapid Microfluidic Production of Multiple PET Biomarkers
2006 1 NIH $246,335
Project Title: Rapid Production of PET Brain Ligands using Self Optimizing Microchemistry
2005 1 DOE $99,364
Project Title: Carbon Nanofiber [F-18] Fluoride Ion Concentration for High Speed Biomarker Production
2002 1 NASA $70,000
Project Title: Nanofabricated GC
2002 1 NSF $99,200
Project Title: Nanofabricated Gas Chromatography Column-Oven System

Key People / Management

  Jim Dong -- President

  Joseph Carl Matteo

Company News

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