Mallinda LLC has developed a new class of self-healing, malleable plastic polymers with a variety of applications. The firm is effectively lowering the barriers to adoption of thermoset composite parts by improving the economics and reducing the environmental impact of composite part production. Mallindas technology enables 1-minute in mold dwell time for high volume industries like automotive. In addition, Mallindas resin can be depolymerized in solution for a closed loop, energy-neutral system for the recovery of thermoset resin and woven/full-length fiber from end-of-life composite products. Pliashell, the firm's intrinsically-recyclable hard (thermoset) plastic can be molded and reshaped at relatively mild temperatures. Like other thermoset plastics, Pliashell is a cross-linked polymer network. However, unlike traditional thermosets, Pliashell can be remolded, welded, repaired, and even fully recycled post-cure. The aim is to enable the efficient manufacture of fully recyclable, advanced composite materials with several value-added properties. The company offers: Recyclable Advanced Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites, Low Processing Temperatures & Range of Mechanical Properties, Short Cycle Times & Repairability, Reprocessable composites, and Environmentally Friendly Synthesis.