Company Profile

Magnets-In-Me LLC (AKA: MIM)
Profile last edited on: 11/27/17      CAGE: 4REP1      UEI: FDM3ND8P3H59

Business Identifier: Magnetic medical devices addressing a range of medical conditons.
Year Founded
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Location Information

406 Pacheco
San Francisco, CA 94116
   (707) 484-8774
Location: Single
Congr. District: 12
County: San Francisco

Public Profile

Magnets-In-Me, Inc. (MIM) was established to address development of a technology begun at the University of San Francisco and involving a founder of the firm and others, whereby magnets would gradually remodel tissue to correct a variety of structural deformities. Partnering with other manufacturers and inventors to develop related technologies, some evices are in early development with others are currently in clinical trials. Futher, companies have been spun off to develop devices that perform magnetic anastomoses; treat obstructive sleep apne; and sunken chest or pectus excavatum. Work has also been tackled towards development and FDA classification of adevice to treat pigeon chest or pectus carinatum. Other work involves development of a device to monitor the compliance and treatment of both the pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum devices. Rare Earth Magnets Rare-earth magnets are strong permanent magnets made from alloys of rare earth elements. Developed in the 1970s-80s, rare-earth magnets are the strongest type of permanent magnets made, producing significantly stronger magnetic fields than other types such as ferrite or alnico magnets. The two types - neodymium magnets and samarium-cobalt magnets - are extremely brittle and also vulnerable to corrosion, so they are usually plated or coated to protect them from breaking and chipping. The first problem by the firm's founder and his colleagues at UCSF developed a procedure that would replace the extant complex and highly invasive procedure for patients diagnosed with pectus excavatum or sunken chest. The firm's founders instead used two rare earth magnets, one implanted in a titanium case on the sternum and the other worn in an external jacket. Required to be in place for up to 2 years, the optimum solution was approved by the FDA following extensive experiments with magnets used to keep metallic objects that cows swallow from perforating their stomach wit no adverse reaction by the animals. Similar to the conncept of orthodontics procedure, the developed device slowly to pull the chest out in to its normal position remains in place for about two years and is currently about to begin its second clinical trial funded by the FDA. The group is also currently working on rare earth magnets treatments for scoliosis, sleep apnea, sutureless anastomoses, and magnetic controlled endoscopic tools.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2016 1 NIH $825,332
Project Title: Magnetic Mini Mover Device for the Treatment of Pectus Excavatum

Key People / Management

  Michael R Harrison -- Founder, President and CEO

  Michael Danty -- COO

  Michael Delagnes -- Corporate attorney

  Richard Fechter

  Andrei Manoliu

Company News

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