Working in the arena of utility-scale head-based hydropower and ocean hydrokinetic power, Littoral Power Systems Inc (LPS) was originally launched by alternative energy industry veterans with a view towards commercializing new, sustainable, resilient approaches to hydropower technologies, as well as provide renewable power assets that are deployable in remote, non-grid-connected locations. ? A critical factor in all hydropower installations is the ease of assembly and maintenance. To be able to secure local installation contracts all over the world, the judgment of the founders was that they had to be able -- and be appropriately equipped to work with local installation crews who may not have sophisticated capabilities or equipment. Hence, a critical early focus has been that of tackling development of lines of prefabricated, modular equipment that c/would greatly reduce the time, complexity, and expense of plant construction. To that end, LPS was initially established to address the related issues and inherent problems of cost, environmental impact, and licensing complexity. With the underlying premise that systems can be built, operated, and ultimately de-commissioned as required with the minimal environmental and/or biological impacts, the firm is structured to design, build and sell prefabricated, standardized modular equipment that can be rapidly deployed across different types of sites. Litoral Power was one of several firms awarded in receipt of c. $4M of DOE (non-SBIR) funding (totaling $25 Million across all awardees) for projects related to for Cutting-Edge Wave Energy Research