With ties to MIT., LifeCanvas Technologies is stuctured around providing sample-to-answer solutions in biomedical research and clinical diagnosis. Employing new tools and proprietary technologies exclusively licensed by MIT< thefim is studying biological tissues in much greater depth (3D vs. 2D), speed (100x faster), and quality (unlimited labeling markers vs. 2-3) than before. The firm is developing and offering as services a full suite of research tools for tissue clearing, labeling, and volumetric imaging of intact organs such as the brain. The firm's full-service package replaces embedding, destructive sectioning, staining, and serial imaging of thin tissue slices with a streamlined approach using intact organ samples that offers greater flexibility and requires less hands-on time. With LifeCanvass pipeline of proprietary technologies, and whole-sample methods Users can reduce processing work and view samples in multiple anatomical planes; localize regions of interest more confidently by visualizing organ-sized datasets that provide greater context; acquire data on all sample regions in parallel, facilitating analyses that are more quantitatively robust to be performed and explore fertile ground where novel and unexpected discoveries can take place