Lifeblood Medical Inc is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the enhancement of organ preservation through room temperature preservation. Lifebloods technology, based on nano-carrier properties, is thus able to extend the length of time an organ can be preserved. This would be accomplished by focusing on what every cell needs to function, namely oxygen and nutrients. The firms nano-lipid technology, Lifor, is an animal component free preservation technology that contains cellular nutrients, non-protein oxygen and nanoparticle carriers. Lifor has the ability to carry oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues, enabling them to sustain metabolic processes and keep the cells alive; a critical factor in organ transplantation.The technology has been proven to carry and release oxygen to the heart, kidney, severed limbs and body; all without excreting toxicity and potassium. It was soon discovered that the properties of the technology extended beyond just organ preservation, leading to the technology being used for various uses including: cryopreservation, culture cells without using Fetal Bovine Serum, room temperature shipping and storage of cells, limb preservation, human organ regeneration and oxygen therapeutics.