In July 2010 Language Weaver, Inc. was bought by the British firm SDL Tridion Inc (SDL:London) and now operates as a subsidiary of that firm under the name SDL Language Weaver. With facilities now in VA, Belgium and France, Language Weaver develops machine translation systems based on a proprietary statistical learning technology. The company's technology is a spinoff of the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute (ISI). The first company to commercialize statistical machine translation technology, Language Weaver's automatic machine translation systems currently available on the market employ manually written rules that require many person-years to develop. These rules spell out all possible translations of a given word and how translated words have to be re-ordered to produce grammatical sentences. Extending and adapting such systems to work with different jargons and language pairs is extremely difficult and error-prone. In contrast to current commercial systems, the Language Weaver statistical translation system uses statistical/cryptographic techniques that automatically learn how texts are translated from one language into another. The company, develops and licenses automated translation solutions for multinationals, government organizations, and translation providers. Focusing on automated language translation. SDL Language Weaver offers LW Enterprise Translation Server, an on-site software for language translation within a enterprise; LW Custom Enterprise Translation Server for translations in a specific domain, such as information technology, automotive, medical, and finance; and LW Translation On Demand, an on demand translation service. The company also provides LW Custom Translation On Demand, an on demand translation service hosted on a dedicated server by Language Weaver; and LW Professional Services, which include software training, custom language pair development, and preparation of parallel data.