Company Profile

Kodikaz Therapeutic Solutions Inc
Profile last edited on: 3/4/22      CAGE: 8CTC2      UEI: NR6LLDATX535

Business Identifier: Gene therapy platform company offering unique technical ability of specifically targeting cancer cells
Year Founded
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Location Information

180 Varick Street 6th Floor
New York, NY 10014
   (619) 743-3806
Location: Single
Congr. District: 10
County: New York

Public Profile

Kodikaz is structured around moving from incremental cancer therapies with devastating side-effects to durable cures through targeted therapies that can eradicate cancers completely. The firm's Zip-Code™ Technology platform is a first in class, cell-specific delivery system that can be used for a broad range of gene therapy applications. Because the Zip-Codes™ are derived from an endogenous human mechanism, the many challenges of viral delivery approaches are avoided. The Zip-Codes™ are universally applicable and specific for each cell type. With the firm's approach usefully understood as groundbreaking and pioneering - ushering in a new era of gene therapies., the underpinning science is designed to redefine the boundaries of medicine, fuel new therapeutic approaches - providing a diversity of tools to oncologists and hope to families and patients with ca

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Key People / Management

  Leon Bernal-Mizrachi -- Co-Founder, CSO

  Stephen Chang

  Jean-Michel Gries -- Head of Research & Development

  Anthony Johnson

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