Company Profile

KBI BioPharma Inc (AKA: Kinetic Biosystems Inc)
Profile last edited on: 10/7/16      CAGE: 44J16      UEI:

Business Identifier: integrated biophysical and biochemical protein characterization, formulation and process development and cGMP manufacturing of recombinant protein Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API’s
Year Founded
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Location Information

1101 Hamlin Road
Durham, NC 27704
   (919) 479-9898
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Durham

Public Profile

KBI BioPharma, Inc., is a biopharmaceutical contract services company providing drug development and biomanufacturing services for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. The company engages in biophysical and biochemical protein characterization, formulation and process development, and cGMP manufacturing of recombinant protein active pharmaceutical ingredients. It also provides formulation, analytical method development, stability services, and process development services. These services include process development, protein formulation development (including both liquid and lyo). analytical development (including extensive biophysical characterization capabilities), ICH stability, cell line development (including PER.C6) and cGMP manufacturing for both mammalian cell culture and microbial programs. KBI BioPharma spun-out of Kinetic Biosystems Inc., an Atlanta-based developmental stage life sciences company formed in 1997 to commercialize bioreactor technology developed by Dr. Heath Herman, a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Bioreactors are large stainless steel vessels used for growing cells under carefully controlled conditions.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2004 2 NSF $599,719
Project Title: Characterization of the Metabolic Competency of Centrifugal Bioreactors

Key People / Management

  Joseph T McMahon -- President and ceo

  Prathima S Acharya -- CSO

  Michael J Cavanaugh -- Vice President, Commercial Development

  James Chopas -- CFO

  Heath H Herman

  Timothy M Kelly -- Vice President, Biopharmaceutical Development

  R Anthony Laughrey

  Firoz Mistry

  Abhinav Shukla -- Vice President, Process Development and Manufacturing

Company News

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