Company Profile

Kaufman & Robinson Inc (AKA: KRI)
Profile last edited on: 11/13/2023      CAGE:       UEI: KT7KJCYNFL26

Business Identifier: NO Business Identifier is currently available for this company.
Year Founded
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Location Information

1306 Blue Spruce Drive Unit A-2
Fort Collins, CO 80524
   (970) 407-0167
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Larimer

Public Profile

Kaufman & Robinson, Inc. (KRI) designs, builds and sells broad-beam ion sources to the vacuum processing community including both manufacturers and researchers. KRI has developed a wide range of broad-beam industrial ion sources with the latest being the versatile EH 1000 End Hall ion source. KRI has ion beam and plasma technical knowhow, proven productivity, and long experience. Over 25 commercial ion beam products have been developed, productized and qualified for both research and production environments by KRI.

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

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VC funded?
Privately Held
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Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2003 1 AF $99,494
Project Title: Next Generation Hall effect Thruster Concepts

Key People / Management

  Harold Kaufman -- President

  Viacheslav Zhurin

Company News

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