Company Profile

Impact Computing Corporation
Profile last edited on: 3/31/2014      CAGE: 4EA04      UEI:

Business Identifier: Visualization, geographic information systems (GIS), user interface design and web technologies
Year Founded
First Award
Latest Award
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Location Information

6700 Alexander Bell Drive Suite 200
Columbia, MD 21046
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Howard

Public Profile

Impact Computing Corporation apply technical expertise spanning the areas of visualization, geographic information systems (GIS), user interface design, modeling and simulation, web technologies, and advanced R&D for a variety of commercial and government customers. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design is highly "user-centric", relying heavily on rapid prototyping and user feedback to ensure an operationally relevant, intuitive and easy-to-use solution. Impact is actively involved in the development of advanced capabilities for the modeling and simulation domain, such as course of action (COA) analysis and optimization, semantic mediation using probabilistic ontologies, sensitivity and stochastic analysis services, and modeling of cognitive processes such as deception. The firm is able to analyze very complex, multi-dimensional datasets iin order to design innovative visualization paradigms that help users rapidly extract actionable information. Situational awareness and spatio-temporal visualization are essential to applications as diverse as supply chain management, air traffic control, logistics, law enforcement, military combat, and homeland security. The Impact team possesses an extensive background in building effective GIS solutions for users across a wide array of these application domains. The Impact Computing team is experienced in developing robust Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) with well-defined web service components and interfaces, particularly in architecting plug-and-play frameworks that allow for integrated use of a heterogeneous collection of software components and tools. Examples of the advanced R&D initiatives undertaken by Impact includes modeling of spatio-temporal dynamics, adaptive learning technologies, behavioral modeling and innovative extensions to the wiki paradigm

Extent of SBIR involvement

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Synopsis: Awardee Business Condition

Employee Range
Revenue Range
Less than .5M
VC funded?
Privately Held
Stock Info
IP Holdings

Awards Distribution by Agency

Most Recent SBIR Projects

Year Phase Agency Total Amount
2012 2 Army $849,314
Project Title: Weather Impact Probability Forecasting (WIPCast)
2008 1 DOE $99,994
Project Title: FOCAL (Federated Online Collaborative Analysis and Learning)
2008 1 Army $69,965
Project Title: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics (STD) Data Model
2006 1 Navy $69,980
Project Title: Simulation, Mission Rehearsal, and Training Tools (SMRTTs) for Counter-Terrorism Operations

Key People / Management

  Hyam Singer -- President

Company News

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