Imagecom Inc develops and markets high technology mechanical CAD products and services for the defense and commercial sector. The firm provides a variety of services including conversion of 2D CAD to 3D parametric solid files using Imagecoms automated conversion software suite. The firms FlexiDesign suite helps to semi-automatically convert 2D CAD drawings to parametric, feature-based 3D models. FlexiDesign provides tools to automate selection of part geometry using automated and semi-automated drawing geometry correction & feature detection. The firms other suite, PD Porter software, assists the CAD engineer in managing 3D models in a CAD platform such as PTC. PD Porter helps update any part or assembly file opened in these CAD platforms with new PMI data such as: vendor to vendor formatting; project to project formatting; application of fixed formatting based on distribution, layout and/or type; duplication of formatting for tabular 3D part files; replacing formatting of imported 3D geometry (alternate CAD system) and advanced template configuration for new assembly and part files.